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The Access to Seeds Index is now part of the World Benchmarking Alliance. All indexes up to 2020 can be found here. New indexes and methodologies are published on the website of the WBA.
Stay here worldbenchmarkingalliance.orgSahélienne d’Entreprise de Distribution en Agro Business (SEDAB) is a Senegalese company specializing in the production and export of seeds fora select group of field crops. It also sells potato. Additionally, the company supplies fertilizers and phytosanitary products. Smallholder farmers are an important customer group for the company, which is only active in its home market.
DownloadCompanySEDAB ranks 21st in the 2019 Index for Western and Central Africa, its position reflective of average or low scores across all measurement areas. The company performs best in Governance & Strategy, for assigning accountability for smallholder strategies at the board level, and Seed Production, for formalizing its relationship with local farmer groups with contracts and engaging smallholders in production activities. The company discloses little or no public information, leading to a low Transparency score throughout. Limited reporting on commitments and activities related to Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property or its collaborative research activities in breeding results in relatively low scores in these areas. Information on the availability of the company’s portfolio is lacking, as is information related to its marketing and capacity building activities.
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Field crops |
Groundut |
Maize |
Potato |
Rice, paddy |
No leading practices were identified.
SEDAB is encouraged to publicly disclose more information about its corporate strategies, activities and programs in relation to smallholder farmers. This includes publicizing its seed portfolio and availability thereof in the market, and providing further details on its research activities, including the organizations it collaborates with and how it considers the specific needs of smallholder farmers within these activities.
Despite scoring best in Governance & Strategy, SEDAB can significantly improve its performance in this area. The company is encouraged to develop and disclose a strategy on improving access to seeds for smallholder farmers that includes corporate targets to reach this customer group and a robust tracking system to monitor progress in the Senegalese market.
SEDAB does not report having any activities in Capacity Building. As one of the few companies in the index that does not appear to provide extension services, it is encouraged to integrate smallholder farmer training into its core business activities. Furthermore, it can consider engaging women and young farmers, both considered key target groups in the region, in training.
SEDAB reports being an active member of the Senegalese National Union of Seed Workers.
The company works with local farmer organizations in Senegal, providing inputs on credit and agronomic advice to smallholder producers through technical agents.
The company conducts variety trials at the request of the Senegalese Agricultural Research Institute. Trials of new groundnut varieties are ongoing, and the company is engaging smallholders in these trials.