
Marketing & Sales

This measurement area assesses the ways in which companies make quality seeds of improved varieties available and affordable to smallholder farmers and how they promote adoption. This could include tailored packaging and building trusted distribution networks as well as offering demonstration activities that promote adoption.

Diverse portfolio
Companies can enhance access to seeds by offering a diverse portfolio of crops and varieties. This could include offering open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) alongside hybrids. By considering the diverse needs of smallholder farmers as entrepreneurs, companies can build the resilience of their business activities.

Tailored distribution practices
Companies can promote improved varieties, for example by establishing distribution channels that reach remote areas and offering tailored packaging appropriate to the needs of smallholder farmers. Adoption can be promoted by creating awareness through demonstrations, and by enhancing affordability through financial services such as insurance. Companies can also ensure that smallholder farmers in index countries have access to the necessary agricultural inputs other than seed.

Quality assurance and after-sales support
Companies can take steps to ensure that seed quality is maintained throughout the distribution system and that counterfeit seeds are not sold under their brand in index countries. These steps include customer feedback and grievance mechanisms for smallholder clients.

F.I Commitment
F.I.1 Marketing policy of commercial varieties

The company has made a commitment to market its varieties and seeds tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers in index countries, and has policies and codes of conduct governing its marketing activities.

F.I.2 Quality and safety of varieties and seeds

The company has policies and protocols in place in accordance with international best practices to ensure biosafety, increased product suitability and product quality when marketing seeds of improved varieties in index countries.

F.II Performance
F.II.1 Diverse portfolio

The company has made a diverse portfolio of seeds, seed types and varieties available to smallholder farmers in index countries.

F.II.2 Distribution channels

The company has established dedicated distribution channels and/or agro-dealer networks within index countries, which make its seeds accessible to smallholder farmers, including in remote areas.

F.II.3 Packaging and labeling

The company packages its products in quantities appropriate to the needs of smallholder farmers in index countries, and its packaging includes information in a local language, pictograms, and manufacture and expiry dates.

F.II.4 Other agricultural inputs

The company makes an effort to ensure that smallholder farmers in index countries have access to the necessary agricultural inputs other than seed, and learn about their appropriate and sustainable use.

F.II.5 Quality assurance and after-sales

The company has implemented management systems to ensure that its seed quality is maintained throughout the distribution system and that counterfeit seeds are not sold under its brand in index countries. It also has grievance mechanisms available to smallholder farmers in index countries.

F.II.6 Demonstration and promotion strategies

The company has programs, such as field days, demonstration services and promotion activities, to create awareness of suitable products available for smallholder farmers in index countries.

F.II.7 Affordability

The company is involved in programs, either directly or through partnerships, to help make seeds more affordable to smallholder farmers in index countries, such as providing credit and insurance.

F.III Transparency
F.III.1 Transparency in Marketing & Sales

The company reports publicly on its policies, practices and results in this area.

F.IV Leadership
F.IV.1 Leadership in Marketing & Sales

The company has established innovative models or leading practices in this area.