"The Access to Seeds Index is a very interesting publication and important work."
The Access to Seeds Index is now part of the World Benchmarking Alliance. All indexes up to 2020 can be found here. New indexes and methodologies are published on the website of the WBA.
Stay here worldbenchmarkingalliance.org"The Access to Seeds Index is a very interesting publication and important work."
"If we invest in smallholders, by giving them access to appropriately adapted seeds and fertiliser, and by ensuring availability of information on proper farming practices, yields will double and even triple in many instances."
"Three-quarters of the world’s poorest people rely on farming small plots of land to feed themselves and their families. Helping these small farmers grow more crops and get them to market can have a tremendous impact on reducing hunger and poverty and associated problems."
"This is not about companies spending money as charity, viewing it that way disrespects the spirit of the SDGs. It's about companies making the SDGs part of their core business and being held accountable."
"The Access to Seeds Index is a very good effort to bring common measurement parameters to assess the contribution of seed companies to the welfare of small holder farmers
"The Access to Seeds Index can support developing mutually beneficial partnerships between farmers organizations and the seed industry."
"Agricultural food systems must be developed to support farmers, so we work directly with subsistence farmers. Bringing together all the private sector partners in an improved supply chain will provide these farmers with access to resources they would not otherwise have."
"The Access to Seeds Index has great potential to fill in the gaps in the seed sector. Not only in Ghana, but in the seed system of all African countries."
"For achieving food and nutrition security there is a continued need to measure the performance of the seed sector sector and keep our heads of state as well as all partners informed of the latest developments. We are fortunate that professional initiatives like the Access to Seeds Index are already contributing to that path."
"Africa’s smallholders are more than capable of feeding the continent - so long as they boost their yields by using the latest agronomic practices in combination with appropriately adapted seeds and fertilizer. Most have not adopted these improvements, however, because they don’t know about them, or can’t get to a place where they can buy them, or can’t afford them."
"The Access to Seeds Index research shows issues of sustainability, access for small farmers, importance of regional supply."
"Better access to seeds is critical for the productivity of farmers around the world and thereby our food security. For that reason, the Access to Seeds Index could not come at a better time."
"Agriculture feeds the world and seed feed agriculture. The Access to Seeds Index can challenge companies to partner with others to bring new solutions to smallholder farmers."
"With just a few smart interventions, a little bit of help, they can make huge improvements in their overall yields."
"Africa is the fastest growing continent in the world, with a population that already surpasses 1 billion. The majority of those people earn their living by farming small plots of land. So any institution that is dedicated to inclusive growth for Africa must stand for reaching all African smallholders."
"The 2016 Access to Seeds Index Report shows that there is a prudent need for private seed companies to meet needs of diverse smallholder market segments."
"Smallholder farmers can produce more, but not without help –credit, seeds, fertilizers and land security. During the past year, many of the 400 million farmers who produce food from small holdings could not respond to growing demands. They lack the inputs they needed to make the most of their land, animals and rivers."
"Access to Seeds Index aimed at fostering social responsibility of the international seed industry is a welcome move."
"In this day and age we have the technical capacity to produce healthy food for all in sufficient quantities. We must therefore mobilize will to make further progress. We need governments on board, of course, but also the private sector."
"The Access to Seeds Index can reinforce the behavior of global seed companies to play a responsible part in smallholder agriculture, conserving biodiversity in ecosystems toward a sustainable future."
"Great to see the Access to Seeds Index that identified the key contributions by seed companies."
"Smallholder farms are some of the poorest households in the world, and, ironically, some of the hungriest as well, despite being food producers. They are hungry because they lack the ability to buy high-yield seeds, fertiliser, irrigation equipment and other tools needed to increase productivity. As a result, their output is meager and insufficient for their subsistence. Their poverty causes low farm productivity, and low farm productivity reinforces their poverty. It's a vicious circle, technically known as a poverty trap."
"Access to Seeds index important step to improve productivity of (small) farmers."
"Seed companies are the most important link between science and farmers. I wish the Access to Seeds Index the best of luck in helping scientists to realise that."
"At this point in time only a small number of smallholder farmers are well connected to lucrative value chains and have opportunities to become veritable entrepreneurs. Their numbers are expected to grow significantly in the next decades but only if the private sector comes on board."
"The private sector is a key partner in agricultural development, and I believe that the Access to Seeds Index will significantly contribute to the growth of a responsible seed sector in which smallholder farmers have access to quality seed."
"Seed companies should take needs of small farmers into account. As discussed during Round Table in Ougadougou on West-African Access to Seeds Index."